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                                              Hard Bargains FAQ (draft):   


  1. What is the significance of the Articles of Confederation?  The Articles of Confederation are considered by many historians to be the first constitution of the United States of America.  Several concepts from the Articles were included within the subsequent U.S. Constitution.

  2. Why is this important to York?  York was chosen to host the Continental Congress following the Congress’s flight from Philadelphia to escape the approaching British army.

  3. Why should the Hard Bargains sculpture be located at the York County History Center?  As the primary repository and interpreter of York County history, the Hard Bargains sculpture will introduce the Articles of Confederation to the York community and to its visitors. The adoption of the Articles by the Continental Congress while in York is a significant part of York and our nation’s history.

  4. What will this cost the YCHC?  The design and fabrication of the Hard Bargains sculpture has been completely underwritten by individual and foundation donors.

  5. How will the sculpture be maintained?  Every consideration was made to create a piece that would withstand the weather- and human-related challenges that an outdoor sculpture might face.  To that end, a maintenance fund to cover routine upkeep and repair has been established at the York County Community Foundation.

  6. Who will own the sculpture?  Upon acceptance and fabrication of the sculpture, ownership of the sculpture will transfer to the YCHC and the Kitchen Cabinet of the Hard Bargains will disband.

  7. Can the sculpture be moved?  The sculpture has been designed specifically for the site chosen at the new YCHC, but the sculpture can be moved if necessary.

  8. Will the information on the text panels be based on fact?  Yes, the Kitchen Cabinet of Hard Bargains has worked closely with Dr. John P. Kaminski, Director, Center for the Study of the American Constitution at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The CSAC is a leading resource on the Articles of Confederation.

  9. Will the YCHC staff be involved in the interpretation of Hard Bargains for HC visitors?  Yes, the text will be reviewed by staff, and staff will provide additional interpretation through programming, docent training, and digital interpretation of expanded and related subjects.

  10. When will the Hard Bargains sculpture be completed? Following review and acceptance of the sculpture’s design by the YCHC board, fabrication will begin with anticipated completion by November 15, 2023.


11. How many sites have been considered and reviewedNine locations:  plaza at Continental
         Square; adjacent to the old Courthouse reproduction, Foundry Park; along the Codorus Bike Path; York City Hall
         Plaza; NW Triangle new landscape; the landscape of a Downtown Hotel; and within the York County History Center
         campus overlooking the Codorus.
  The York County History Center site is the preferred location.


© 2024 -  Hard Bargains 1777, York, PA

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